Freesheet 10 May 2018 After Windrush: this racist government must go – Counterfire Freesheet May 2018 Counterfire
Opinion Jean-Luc Mélenchon and other leading figures of La France Insoumise at the head of the 160,000-strong Anti-Macron Carnival (ironically celebrating the anniversary of his Presidency) on Saturday 5 May, called by one of their MPs but joined by masses of students and striking workers. #LaFeteAMacron #StopMacron. Photo: Twitter/@FranceInsoumise 09 May 2018 50 years after 1968: Storms raging in Macron’s France John Mullen
Opinion Donald Trump in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo: Flickr/Gage Skidmore 09 May 2018 Trump’s ditching of Iran deal is paving the way to war Shabbir Lakha
Opinion The European Union is crumbling. Photo: Pixabay 09 May 2018 The phoney war must end: crossing the Brexit Rubicon Martin Hall
Opinion Photo: Wikimedia Commons 09 May 2018 Was Marx an economist? What was his contribution to economics? Susan Newman
Opinion Paul Mason. Photo: Wikimedia Commons 08 May 2018 Why Paul Mason is wrong about Marx Dragan Plavšić
Opinion Karl Marx the icon. Graphic: Pixabay/OpenClipart-Vectors 08 May 2018 Marx matters more than ever – weekly briefing Lindsey German
News France Insoumise Logo. Photo: France Insoumise - Benelux 07 May 2018 Enough is enough: Paris takes to the streets John Mullen
Opinion Photo: Wikimedia Commons 04 May 2018 Local elections: for the left, standing still is losing ground Cameron Panting
Opinion People's Assembly demonstration, June 2015. Photo: Wikimedia Commons 04 May 2018 Rural activism: tales from the sticks – part one Jim Scott
Theory Angelica Garnett, Vanessa Bell, Clive Bell, Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes and Lydia Lopokova at Monk's house. Photo: Wikimedia Commons 04 May 2018 The limits of Keynesianism part three: Marx, Keynes and the analysis of the trade cycle Dominic Alexander
Opinion Photo: Wikimedia Commons 30 Apr 2018 Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Marx on his 200th birthday Chris Nineham