Opinion Bristol UCU demonstration during the 14 day strike, March 2018. Photo: Jack Hazeldine 31 May 2018 UCU: we are the union Des Freedman
Opinion Statue of Marx and Engels in Berlin. Photo: Johann H. Addicks 29 May 2018 Who was Karl Marx? Dragan Plavšić
Opinion Photo: Wikimedia Commons 29 May 2018 The Italian coup and the growing crisis in the EU Chris Bambery
Opinion Arlene Foster speaking at the Centre for Economic Empowerment at Belfast in 2011. Photo: Flickr/NICVA 29 May 2018 The bigotry of Arlene Foster won’t stop women on the march – weekly briefing Lindsey German
Opinion Barricades defending the Paris Commune, April 1871. Photo: Wikimedia Commons 28 May 2018 Marx200: the Paris Commune and the Marx family Judy Cox
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Opinion London Irish Abortion Rights Campaign. Photo: Public Domain 26 May 2018 A win for women in Ireland, a reminder of what’s holding back the North Reuben Bard-Rosenberg
Opinion Bristol Mental Health March. Photo: Steven Cooper 26 May 2018 University of Bristol students march for mental health services Steven Cooper
News Repeal the 8th Amendment. Photo: Twitter/@JeriMahon 26 May 2018 Victory as Ireland votes to repeal the 8th amendment Elly Badcock
Opinion March for Choice in Dublin, September 2012. Photo: William Murphy 24 May 2018 Ireland’s opportunity for equality Amy O'Donoghue
Opinion Crisis at the heart of the EU which would overshadow Brexit. Photo: Shabbir Lakha 23 May 2018 Crisis in Italy Chris Bambery
Opinion Anti-racist activists stand up against the FLA, Saturday 19th May. Photo: Karen Buckley 22 May 2018 Hundreds stand up to the FLA in Manchester Karen Buckley
Opinion Billionaire Sir Richard Branson in 2011. Photo: Flickr/VirginMoney 21 May 2018 Too rich to fail – weekly briefing Lindsey German
Opinion People's Assembly Demonstration against austerity. Photo: Peter Damian 19 May 2018 Change is coming: be a part of it Tom Griffiths
Opinion Homeless person in bus shelter next to Windsor Castle. Photo: Amer Ghazzal/Barcroft Images 19 May 2018 Two sides of a city: homelessness and the royal wedding Daryl Egart