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Opinion Fellside sunset (Rosie Jennings, age 4) 30 Sep 2014 Children’s health – a casualty in Osborne’s war on the poor Michael Marmot and Angela Donkin
News Rehana Azam. Photograph: Mark Tyers 17 Aug 2014 Interview with People’s March for the NHS organiser Rehana Azam Mark Tyers
News NHS protestor on the People’s Assembly demonstration in June 2014. Photograph: Marienna Pope-Weidemann 18 Jul 2014 999 call for the NHS People’s March: a 21st century Jarrow Crusade Ellen Graubart
Opinion Daily Mail and David Cameron launch Health Hero Awards with picture of Cameron’s late son 30 Apr 2014 David Cameron praises ‘Health Heroes’ while he destroys the NHS Tim Crocker-Buqué