Opinion Factory with hand operated machines, 1970s. Source; Wikipedia 21 May 2020 Lives before profit: learning from the struggle for health and safety in the 1970s John Westmoreland
Opinion Tube arriving at Lancaster Gate station. Source: Wikipedia 21 May 2020 Tube drivers: In dubious battle Unjum Mirza
Review Jude Law plays blogger Alan Krumwiede in Contagion. Source: LA Times – Claudette Barius and Warner Bros 21 May 2020 Contagion revisited: how Hollywood got its pandemic prediction upside down Chris Nineham
News Sr.Barts workers protest banner. Source: Flickr – War on Want 21 May 2020 Hackney organises against charges and discrimination in migrants’ health care Marion Macalpine
News Primary school sign post. Source: Flickr – Educators.co.uk 19 May 2020 Model Letter to your local authority: don’t open schools until it is safe Kara Bryan
Opinion David Icke speaking in 2013. Photo: Wikimedia/Tyler Merbler 16 May 2020 Conspiracies and capitalism: why we shouldn’t end the lockdown Shabbir Lakha
Opinion Photo: Facebook/Keep Our NHS Public 15 May 2020 Let our ‘heroes’ live – don’t end the lockdown Alia Butt
Opinion Statistics for hospital deaths by ethnicity. Photo: BBC 14 May 2020 Coronavirus statistics lay bare the dire racial inequalities of our society Mona Kamal
Opinion Kingston Hospital staff fighting for sick pay, February 2019. Source: Counterfire 14 May 2020 Protect yourself: how to join a union Jane Clayton
Opinion Office. Photo: Pixnio 13 May 2020 New research shreds Johnson’s ‘Covid-secure’ workplaces Alistair Cartwright
Opinion Stay at home posters in Newport town centre. Source: Geography.org.uk – Jaggery 12 May 2020 Doctor speaks out: this isn’t freedom, it’s a death sentence Red Elmahdi