Opinion Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson, Labour Party Conference, 2016. Photo: wikimedia commons 09 Aug 2018 Stand firm in attacks against Corbyn, or lose the fight Alex Snowdon
Opinion Bank of England, Threadneedle Street. Photo: Flickr/George Rex 09 Aug 2018 Interest rates, wages and the UK economy Michael Roberts
Opinion Bookmarks, the socialist bookshop. Photo: Wikimedia Commons 08 Aug 2018 The attack on Bookmarks was an attack on us all Pete Morgan
Opinion SA close down ADGB union office, Germany, May 2nd, 1933. Photo: GHDI 08 Aug 2018 Why fascists hate trade unions Chris Bambery
Opinion Margaret Hodge. Photo: Wikimedia Commons 07 Aug 2018 Hodge case shows why Labour Right needs to be confronted – and defeated Alex Snowdon
Opinion President-elect Emmerson Mnangagwa. Photo: Flickr/GovernmentZA 06 Aug 2018 Zimbabwe after Mugabe: his successor struggles to maintain grip on power Shabbir Lakha
Opinion Scotland PCS reps and members rally during the pay strike ballot. Photo: PCS website 06 Aug 2018 Post PCS pay ballot blues Floyd Codlin
Analysis European far right leaders at the European Parliament on May 28 2014 - Salvini (Lega Nord), Vilimsky (FPÖ), Le Pen (FN), Wilders (PVV), Annemans (VB). Photo: Euractiv.com 05 Aug 2018 The rise of the far right – and how we stop it John Westmoreland
Opinion A section of the Battle of Cable Street mural 05 Aug 2018 Antisemitism: what the left should say – weekly briefing Lindsey German
Opinion Ahed Tamimi speaking at the role of women in the palestinian popular struggle conference. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. 04 Aug 2018 Ahed Tamimi released! What her story tells us about Palestinian resistance John Clarke
News Tommy Robinson. Photo: Wikimedia Commons 03 Aug 2018 Far right celebrate Tommy Robinson’s release from prison Steph Pike
Opinion Philip Hammond. Photo: Flickr/Chatham House 31 Jul 2018 Lies, damned lies, and Tory press releases Richard Allday
Opinion Sign telling Amber Rudd to resign in Hastings. Photo: Chrissy Brand 31 Jul 2018 Dear Amber Rudd, we’re not left behind, we’re being held back Chrissy Brand
Opinion Refugee boat in the Mediterannean Sea. Edited by Shabbir Lakha, Photos: Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay 30 Jul 2018 Failed: what two decades of the refugee crisis could not teach Europe Eleftheria Kousta
Opinion Stop the War and CND protest outside Parliament, 12th July 2011. Photo: Flickr/Stop the War Coalition 28 Jul 2018 Libya: chaos reigns seven years on Eleftheria Kousta