Graphic by Shabbir Lakha Graphic by Shabbir Lakha

Counterfire has produced a model resolution you can pass in your organisation and a poster you can download to put on your window or in your area

A model resolution to raise at your trade union/CLP branch or in any other group or organisation you are a part of, to oppose the murder of George Floyd and to support protesters against racist state violence in the US and here.


1The brutal killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers

2The pattern of repeated deaths of black people at the hands of police forces across the US

3The failure of the US judicial and political system to respond to institutional racism in the police

4Calls by President Trump for violent repression of protests across the US

5The arrest of numerous protestors in Britain for showing support for the US demonstrations and calling for justice

It resolves:

1To join the international call for charges of first-degree murder to be brought against all four of the police officers involved in the killing of George Floyd

2To send solidarity to all those protesting against police racism in the US

3To demand that socially distanced protests in Britain calling for Justice for George Floyd be allowed to go ahead without police harassment


You can download the below poster as a pdf to print out and stick on your window or in your area, and/or save as an image and share on social media.

justice-for george-floyd-poster-lg.jpg

Fund the fightback

We urgently need stronger socialist organisation to push for the widest possible resistance and put the case for change. Please donate generously to this year’s Counterfire appeal and help us meet our £25,000 target as fast as possible.