Brighton – TUC Fringe: Why war, peace and Palestine are trade union issues

Fran Heathcote, PCS General Secretary
Maryam Eslamdoust, TSSA General Secretary
Alex Gordon, RMT President
Steve North, UNISON President
Riccardo LaTorre, FBU National Officer
Louise Regan, NEU International Committee Chair
Sean Vernell, UCU NEC
Chris Nineham, Stop the War Vice Chair
At Stop the War the trade union movement has always been at the heart of what we do. We continue to work with trade unions in recognition that war and peace are class issues and because it is through the power of organised working people that we have the capacity to change society. This year we have seen acts of solidarity in workplace days of action for Palestine and union banners aplenty on the national Palestine marches.
British-made bombs and components have rained down on Gaza before our eyes, the Ukraine military is being equipped with British-made arms and ordinary working people are paying with their lives as the needless slaughter continues.
Labour has pledged to raise military spending in line with the Tory plans. There’s always more money for bombs, while the rest of us face austerity. Every pound spent on militarisation is a pound less for tackling the cost of living and housing crises, rebuilding our crumbling schools and hospitals and reducing NHS waiting lists. Working people need welfare not warfare.
To address these issues and more StW is holding a fringe meeting at the TUC in Brighton. Please come along and find out more about why war, peace and Palestine are trade union issues.