BRISTOL | The Strike Wave: Can it Win?

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The strike wave is spreading. Workers in higher education and sixth forms, on the rail and postal services, nurses in the NHS and civil servants are striking and many more have been balloting.

This is an industrial fightback on a scale we haven’t seen in decades. But the Tory assault and the employers’ offensive that we’re up against is already impoverishing millions.

Bristol Counterfire has organised this public meeting with a range of speakers on the frontlines to discuss how we can build the most effective fightback and the kind of strategy we need to win:
– Ellen Grogan, RCN Nurse
– Tom Whittaker, UCU City of Bristol College
– Andy Chadwick, Unison University of Bristol
– NEU Speakers

Speakers speaking in a personal capacity.

Please come along and join us at Hamilton House in the Green Room for this important discussion. You don’t have to pre-book to attend the meeting, but there is a recommended contribution of £5 if you can afford it to help us cover the costs of the event.