We need to organise against an establishment that will do anything to stop radical social change. Three forums on revolutionary theory will help us understand how
Neoliberal austerity is failing and the elites know it. They fear Corbyn and the movement behind him. They will now try every trick in the book to stop radical change.
Our side needs to organise – but it also needs theory to understand how to achieve victory. Can we stop austerity without challenging the power of the private sector? Can we seize the state and use it for own ends? Can there be socialism in the 21st century? Is Marxism still relevant to the movement?
We invite you to three forums that will discuss these questions in depth. All of the sessions are on Saturdays, from 12 midday till 2 pm. You can come to as few or as many of the three as you like.
Marx’s critique of capitalism
July 15th with Lindsey German
Lenin, state and Revolution
July 22nd with Dragan Plavšić
Rosa Luxemburg: reform and revolution
July 29th with Elaine Graham-Leigh