Over 250,000 people marched through central London on a Friday, and Pete Morgan argues that together we stopped Trump
Yes, we did. And they came in their thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands.
Here’s the evidence on twitter feeds that have been viewed by millions. The pictures show the STOP TRUMP PROTEST
And voices of the protesters:
A guy called Richard was at the march with his son and carrying a sign reading ‘todos somos immigrantes’. He protested in response to Trump’s border policy which has led to children being separated from their parents and kept in cages.
This is an immigrant city and we’re an immigrant country. I want to show solidarity with the Mexicans and Latin Americans on the border and the children that have been separated from their families.
A young woman called Jackie attended with her daughter Marais. “It’s our first protest together and there’s such a good atmosphere,” “People here really do object to everything Trump stands for. His bigotry, his sexism.”
And a student Adam said, “I’ve travelled 260 miles from Preston to get here and I’ve not slept all night because I finished work at 1am and jumped in my car and came straight to London I’m here because of his policies of separating people from their families and his policies against Palestine,”
The biggest cheer in Trafalgar Square on Friday went to the speech by Jeremy Corbyn which was condemned, criticised and widely misreported in the British media.
Speaking from Trafalgar Square to an enormous crowd after hundreds of thousands marched through the streets, Corbyn praised those gathered for “asserting our right to free speech and our right to want a world that is not divided by misogyny, racism, and hate.”
He took aim at specific actions the Trump administration has taken, including its cruel “zero-tolerance” immigration policies and decision to ditch the historic Paris climate accord.
Though he didn’t name Trump specifically, he said, “When somebody on a global stage condemns Muslims because they’re Muslims, it’s not acceptable and we will call it out.”
“When a major country says it wants to walk away from the UN council on human rights, I say, ‘Sorry, you are wrong. Human rights belong to all of us,'” Corbyn said. “And when a government condemns children because they’re Mexican or Guatemalan or from somewhere else in Central America, that is a breach of every international convention that I understand,” he said.
Corbyn said the problem is “also about our planet, our world, and how we relate to each other.”
“Our environment is under threat,” he continued, saying that “there is no hiding place, ultimately, from foul air, from dirty seas, from polluted rivers. There’s no hiding place from the destruction of our natural world for any of us—unless we work together to protect it and our environment and our sustainability.”
Uniting the throngs gathered, Corbyn said, is “a wish to live in a world of peace not at war, a wish not to blame refugees for wars that they themselves are victims of, and a wish that we pursue the politics of unity, the politics of togetherness, the politics of recognising the strengths and the good that is in each of us, however poor, however marginalized, however put-upon.”
Rather than politics of fear and austerity, he said, “We want human rights for the rest of the world, we want justice for the rest of the world. But above all,” he continued, “the message we give here today—in all our diversity—is one of solidarity of people, of people wanting that different and better world.”
He said that “when we divide ourselves by xenophobia … when we divide ourselves by hatred, at the end of the day we all lose. When you unite together with common objectives, we can all win.”
And with thanks to the thousands that had turned out he left to cheers, and then the protests went on…and on…and on…throughout Britain, into the night, to Scotland and into the weekend.
So, we’ve seen the real London on the last three weeks – 2 weeks ago tens of thousands protest in support of 70 years of the NHS; last week hundreds of thousands for Pride; and this weekend we did it all over again against Trump.
And all he could do was watch from his helicopter.