Unjum Mirza, train driver and ASLEF branch chair speaks at a People’s Assembly event on how collective organising has protected workers on the London Underground and why the fight against the reckless lifting of the lockdown is so important
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Boris Johnson. Source: Wikipedia
05 Mar 2020
Class and the Coronavirus
Posters at UCU protest. Photo: Counterfire
03 Dec 2019
Staff-student solidarity is being built in the UCU strike
We are the minus 99%, Britain is Broken demo, Jan 12, 2019. Photo: Jim Aindow
16 Jan 2019
Movement gears up for fightback against austerity
Student nurses protest. Photo: Screen grab from Unison video
08 Jan 2016
NHS action spreads: student nurses protest – podcast
Rehana Azam. Photograph: Mark Tyers
17 Aug 2014