The People v. Tony Blair argues that even a hostile media can be neutralised when a mass movement becomes powerful enough.
Chris Nineham, The People v. Tony Blair: Politics, the media and the anti-war movement, (Zero Books 2013),106pp.
Some people dismiss mass protest. The People v. Tony Blair shows the huge demonstrations against the Iraq War in 2003 nearly brought down Blair and almost forced Britain out of the war. Based on interviews and insider accounts, it describes panic in Downing Street and despair in Whitehall. A controversial intervention into the debates about power, media and popular protest, The People v. Tony Blair argues that even a hostile media can be neutralised when a mass movement becomes powerful enough.
The People v Tony Blair is an interesting argument about how the power of protest is represented, and more often misrepresented, by the media . The book provides vital insights into how to construct present and future resistance to austerity and much else. ~ Mark Perryman, Philosophy Football reviews