A sample motion you can put forward at local trade union branches, CLPs and other organisations to support the national demonstration on 5 November
Download the motion to amend and print here
This branch notes:
1The financial chaos created by the current Conservative government, forcing the Bank of England to make an emergency intervention to prevent further financial meltdown.
2The structural crisis in the British economy that the Tories have created since coming to power in 2010, focused on trickle-down economics and austerity for the vast majority, rather than useful government investment in public services.
3The extraordinary and unprecedented implosion of the government, with no credible alternative leadership in the Labour Party to defend the interests of trade unionists.
4The People’s Assembly Against Austerity has called a demonstration on Saturday 5 November to demand nationalisation of energy, the scrapping of anti-union laws and an end to the cost-of-living crisis, among others.
This branch believes:
1The policies of successive Tory governments since 2010 have been an unmitigated disaster for our working conditions, and an end to this government is the first step in addressing this disaster.
2A national demonstration is a critical opportunity for trade unions, community groups, campaigns and individuals to express their refusal to accept the cost of this crisis, which is not of their making.
3That the time is right for a national demonstration to demand an end to austerity, and that all unions and movements should get behind it.
This branch resolves:
1To support and participate in the People’s Assembly ‘Britain is Broken’ National Demonstration on Saturday 5 November 2022.
2To publicise the demonstration and its demands to all members and bring the branch banner to the demonstration.
3To donate £___ to help with the costs of organising the national demonstration.
Fund the fightback
We urgently need stronger socialist organisation to push for the widest possible resistance and put the case for change. Please donate generously to this year’s Counterfire appeal and help us meet our £25,000 target as fast as possible.