A model motion to pass at your trade union branch/trades council to back the 10 June How We Fight, How We Win Rank-and-File Organising Conference

Download the motion as a Word document to amend and print. If your branch, trades council or organisation passes this motion, please email [email protected] with the details.

This meeting notes:

  1. The Conservative government’s commitment to making workers bear the burden of the cost of living crisis, primarily through real-terms pay cuts
  2. The biggest wave of strike action in decades, including major national strikes, across a range of sectors including rail, post, education, health and the civil service in response to attacks on pay
  3. Widespread popular support for workers taking action.

This meeting believes:

  1. The strikes by a range of trade unions have been a hugely welcome and necessary development, which offer the best chance of defending workers’ pay and conditions and challenging this government’s priorities in general.
  2. The strike movement needs to be widened and deepened for workers’ to win our full demands. Coordination of strike action over pay and living standards across the trade union movement is essential to building a broad, united labour movement response to this government’s attacks on working people and their unions
  3. In order to achieve this, more discussion and organisation amongst rank and file workers across the trade union movement is necessary.

This meeting resolves to:

  1. Support the How We Fight How We Win rank and file conference in London on 10 June 
  2. Publicise the conference and encourage branch members and other trade unionists in the area to attend.

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