Three week strike wins the reinstatement of a sacked colleague and a 2.8% pay rise, with further above-inflation rises for the next two years
After three weeks of all out strike action Unite the Union members at Tyneside Safety Glass in Gateshead have won a magnificent victory. As well as gaining the reinstatement of a sacked colleague the strikes have won a 2.8% pay rise, with further above-inflation rises for the next two years.
Talks at ACAS with the company, under Acas, broke down on 26th June and the Unite members at the factory began a two week strike the following day.
The strike had won the unanimous backing of the workers at a mass meeting on 19th June and the factory was picketed daily from 5am. Local MP Dave Anderson showed his support by visiting the strikers and matching with them outside the factory.
Striking workers also joined the 10th July strike rally in Newcastle last Thursday and the victorious worker marched proudly with their banner at Saturday’s magnificent Durham Miners’ Gala.
Unite shop steward Mark Robertson said: “We are pleased its over but proud that we stuck together. We go back as we came out united by the ballot box. The support from our comrades in the Peoples Assembly and the wider labour and trade union movement inspired us to what we can only describe as a great victory for working class solidarity.”
North East People’s Assembly supporters raised £170 for the strike fund on their two coaches to the 21st June demo in London. And the local North Tyneside People’s Assembly group raised further donations after being addressed by Mark at a meeting last week.
There are outstanding costs from the strike action, so any further donations & messages of support should be sent to Unite the Union Regional Officer Fazia Hussain-Brown: [email protected]