St Mungo's picket line St Mungo's picket line. Photo: Mark Baxendale

St Mungo’s workers have begun an all-out strike after anti-union bullying by the senior management, reports Mark Baxendale from the picket line

Unite members from the Property Services Department at St Mungo’s, a charity to help the homeless, are standing up to bullying at the hands of senior management with an indefinite strike in defence of a suspended union representative.

After raising a grievance against senior management, the representative was suspended, accused of making a malicious complaint. An astounding 44% of union reps are facing formal procedures that could end in dismissal. The Repairs team alone have raised three separate grievances against the same manager. They are now facing gross misconduct charges and could lose their jobs.

Challenging bullying in the workplace without fear of reprisal is a fundamental right. St Mungo’s Unite members are demanding management drop disciplinary action against the suspended rep pending an independent investigation.

St. Mungo’s staff are committed to supporting rough sleepers and society’s most vulnerable people. They will not allow bullying and harassment from senior management to stand in their way.

Support striking St Mungo’s workers by going down to picket lines outside the Head Office in Thomas More Street, E1W 1YW on Monday 26 and Thursdat 29 April 9-11am.

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We urgently need stronger socialist organisation to push for the widest possible resistance and put the case for change. Please donate generously to this year’s Counterfire appeal and help us meet our £25,000 target as fast as possible.


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