The Bomb, is a collection of engaging, satirical and dramatic short new plays by internationally acclaimed playwrights debating nuclear issues

The Bomb sceneThe plays cover the bomb’s humble beginnings in wartime Britain, to contemporary questions surrounding Iran’s nuclear capabilities, and future imaginings of a post-apocalyptic London. Presented in two parts with 11 actors playing over 40 roles, The Bomb can be seen over two evenings or all in one day at the weekend.

‘A vivid, serious examination of one of the most pressing issues of our times’
Financial Times

Get £11 tickets for individual performances on weeknights (usually £14) or £20 tickets for both parts on Sundays (usually £29). To take advantage of the special discount, simply use the promotional code counterfire when booking online , on the phone 020 7328 1000 , or in person at the Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, NW6 7JR.

Terms and conditions: Availability for this offer is limited. Advanced booking only. Offer of £11 tickets is for an individual part Mon – Fri (usually priced £14) or £20 tickets for both parts on Sundays when booked together (usually priced £29). Offer available for performances of The Bomb until Sunday 25th March 2012.