A model motion to pass at your trade union branch/CLP/other organisation in support of bus drivers in London taking strike action
Download the resolution as a Word document you can amend
This ____ notes:
1Bus drivers in London are striking in response to a new proposed contract from their employer RATP which will see a drivers lose up to £2,500 a year in pay and an attack on their working conditions
2That RATP has decided to do this despite being able to operate throughout the pandemic and being paid upfront by Transport for London
3That 42 bus drivers in London have died as a result of Covid
This ___ believes:
1Bus drivers are essential workers who have risked their lives during the pandemic and this attack on their pay and conditions is outrageous
2That workers are right to take industrial action to oppose this insulting attack on their pay and conditions
This ___ resolves:
1To send messages of solidarity to the Unite rep organising the bus drivers’ strike
2To lobby our local MP to support the strike
3To send a delegation to the nearest picket line with our branch banner
4To support action by the bus drivers in every way possible
Fund the fightback
We urgently need stronger socialist organisation to push for the widest possible resistance and put the case for change. Please donate generously to this year’s Counterfire appeal and help us meet our £25,000 target as fast as possible.