The Coalition of Resistance has launched a People’s Petition Against Austerity in a letter to the Guardian – add your name to the growing list of backers

no cuts placard

The Coalition of Resistance launched the People’s Petition Against Austerity along with the list of initial signatories in a letter to the Guardian on 18 October. It will be handed in to Downing Street in June 2013 when we will be hosting a People’s Assembly Against Austerity. Full details to come soon. Please ask everyone to sign. Click here to download a printable version for street stalls, to take around your workplace, friends family etc.

The People’s Petition Against Austerity

“The failed policies of the politicians and the bankers caused the financial crisis. Spending cuts are driving us into poverty. An economic alternative is essential to protect ordinary people, and to save the NHS and welfare state.

The government should:

  1. Stop cuts and halt privatisation;
  2. Tax the millionaires and big business;
  3. Drop the debt, and put the banks under democratic control;
  4. Invest in jobs, homes, public services and the environment.”


Initial Signatories

Tony Benn
Len McCluskey, General Secretary Unite the Union
Iain Banks, author
Caroline Lucas MP
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Owen Jones, author and journalist
Sam Fairbairn, National Secretary Coalition of Resistance
Christine Blower, General Secretary NUT
John McDonnell MP
Ken Loach, film director
Mark Serwotka, General Secretary PCS
Josie Long, comedian
Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition
Roger Lloyd-Pack, actor
Kate Hudson, CND
Katy Clark MP
Costas Lapavitsas, professor of economics at SOAS
Manuel Cortes, General Secretary TSSA
Romayne Phoenix, Chair Coalition of Resistance
Paul Mackney, Former General Secretary of UCU and Vice Chair Coalition of Resistance
Clare Solomon, Vice Chair Coalition of Resistance
Natalie Bennett, leader of Green Party England and Wales
James Meadway, senior economist New Economics Foundation

Add your name

Sign the petition on the Coalition of Resistance website…

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