Students at Aberystwyth University have reoccupied in protest against the cuts. This comes in the wake of a short occupation at LSE over Libya, and UCL, which reoccupied today. They released the statement below.
Aber Students Against Cuts Reoccupation of Aberystwyth University
Students and education workers have reoccupied Aberystwyth University to protest the ongoing marketisation of our universities. The lecture theatres A12 and A14 were occupied following a demonstration on February 22nd against proposed cuts to societies and student support funding. More than 600 students and education workers marched in solidarity and stormed the University Council to disrupt a meeting of senior management. This resulted in various concessions by management in relation to student housing and highlights the importance of continued resistance on our campuses, and in our towns and cities.
Yesterday, Rebecca Davies, Pro Vice Chancellor of Aberystwyth University, visited the occupation to address the concerns put forward by Aber Students Against Cuts. Amongst others, we voice our disappointment over the lack of transparency both in terms of finance and management decision-making. We further sought assurances that students and staff would not be victimised.
Whilst we welcome the new willingness of management to engage, we remain deeply concerned about plans for staff reductions and the reluctance to lobby nationally against cuts and education restructuring.
Aberystwyth Students Against Cuts provides speakers for interviews and debates. Feel free to contact me any time.
Kind Regards
David Welles
Press Liaison +44 (0)75 3132 6616, [email protected], @aberuncut