Michael Lavalette urges the people of Preston to vote independent

It’s all come down to tomorrow.

Fourth July, Independents Day, General Election Day – and Preston’s Palestine Day.

Can we make history? Can we give it one more push to get us over the line?

Since October we have marched and fought for an end to the ceasefire in Gaza.

We have been vilified and attacked. Told we are ‘extremists’ and ‘terrorist apologists’ all because we wanted an end to the slaughter of Palestinians and justice after 76 years of ethnic cleansing.

In November, when the politicians refused to vote for a ceasefire, we raised the slogan ‘No ceasefire, No vote’ and we made it clear that the main parties couldn’t expect our vote any longer.

In March we joined the Independents’ campaign network. We took our place alongside Leanne Mohammed, Andrew Feinstein, Jeremy Corbyn and others.

We united to challenge Labour and put Palestine on the ballot paper.

6 weeks ago when the election was called we were faced with confronting a huge party machine, a party with a 12,000 majority and 20,000 votes and records of where to find their voters.

We, on the other hand, had no voting records, no party machine, no money and we were unsure where our vote might be!

Six weeks later and we are in the position where we are genuine challengers.

Of course we are still the underdogs. The mountain remains big – but its not nearly as big as it was when we started!

And tomorrow, if we can get all our voters out – everyone of them – then we are in with a chance.

So now we need you.

We need you to vote (as early as you can) and make sure everyone in your house votes.

We need you to phone all your friends and make sure they have voted and have also made sure their households have all gone!

If you can, please join us and help get the vote out.

We have an office for the day – and Isa will be there directing operations. Please drop in and Isa will tell you what needs doing!

Our office address for the day is:

Windrush Initiatives CIC, 13 & 14 Oakham Ct, Preston PR1 3XP

Between 5pm and 10pm we need as many people out as possible.

If we are to win 5pm – 10pm is crucial please give us any time you can.

Our campaign has relied on ordinary people like you. It is ordinary Prestonians who have leafletted, canvassed, produced social media content and taken part in debates. We are not millionaires, but we are the millions!

We need the people power that has driven our campaign to come out for one last push.

Let’s do this!
Let’s do it for the people of Preston.
And let’s do it for our brothers and sister in Palestine.

Black, white, red, green …tomorrow we use our vote for filasteen!

Before you go

The ongoing genocide in Gaza, Starmer’s austerity and the danger of a resurgent far right demonstrate the urgent need for socialist organisation and ideas. Counterfire has been central to the Palestine revolt and we are committed to building mass, united movements of resistance. Become a member today and join the fightback.

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