www.counterfire.org Re-edited shorter version of my previous video: youtu.be Occupy Plymouth has moved from its original site at Jigsaw Gardens to the old Job Centre on Buckwell Street. This is a bold step and everybody is invited to at least visit what has been renamed the ‘Occupation Centre’. The occupiers have plans to make it a communal space where people can find out why they are there, take the opportunity to discuss the delicate political and economic situation that we have found ourselves in and explore possible courses of action for getting out of it. Clearly there are questions about how long the occupiers will be able to remain in this building, but they are most definitely in this ‘process’ for the long haul and it is doubtful if an eviction from this property would signal the end of Occupy Plymouth. fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net Get down there and show your support. The hour is getting late. The Citadel Gate, overlooking the ‘Occupation Centre’, serves as an ominous reminder that things can get very serious indeed in the UK when people start standing up for themselves. Filmed on December 17th, the first anniversary of Mohamed Bouazizi setting himself on fire in Tunisia and setting off the events of the ‘Arab Spring’, exactly three months since Occupy Wall Street began and Bradley Manning’s 24th birthday.
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