Doctors and Hearses by Potent Whisper
Take a second to think about the people in your life
Who have had to use the NHS or else they would have died
In fact without the NHS and all that it provides
How many of you would even be here today alive?
But now with this virus the NHS dying
Nurses are dying, doctors are dying
There’s doctors and nurses in coffins and hearses
And these are our friends and we’re watching them dying
Because they’re all exposed with no protection from the virus
Because the British government has failed to supply them
There’s no masks, aprons, no gloves or visors
We’re not talking high tech, these are basic items
They say they’ve been ordered, they say they’ve been dispatched
So why are there nurses forced to wear bin bags?!
Yesterday 1,000 died it’s never been this bad
We should be protecting them, instead they’re wearing bin bags
They’re working on the frontline trying to do their best
But we’ve sent them into war without a weapon or a vest
How can we protect them if they don’t have protection?
I mean less than 2% have even had a test!
If we don’t test the workers then we don’t know who has it
So they’re trying to treat us when actually they have it
So we see the virus spread, we increase the damage
And the day we see our doctors die – then it’s time to panic
The Tories try to claim they protect the NHS
But if you’re being honest that’s the biggest lie you herd’a
If our doctors die because of government neglect
Then that’s not just a tragedy, it’s indirect murder
Now your doctor’s in a coffin and your family is coughing
And the death rate is going up and I don’t see it dropping
It’s a shocking situation but there’s something you can do
Because you used to call your doctor, now your doctors calling you
They’ve put a public call out – a call for all equipment
And there’s no time to waste, they’ll take whatever we can give them
This needs to be our mission, we can put the great in Britain
Cos if Boris won’t, then we’ll have to show them that we’re with them
So for everybody watching now, stop and ask yourself:
Do you have access to items that could help?
Do you own a shop with this equipment on the shelf?
Or do you have materials for them to make themselves?
You’ll find them all in places that you wouldn’t even think
Restaurants, hotels, garages, gyms
If you have equipment you can make a massive difference
They’re ready to collect it, if you just click the link
It’s not an ultimate solution but we don’t have an option
Once again it’s up to all of us to fix the problem
It’s a shocking situation, it’s horrific but it’s true
You used to call the doctor now the doctor’s calling you
And anything’s better than nothing…
Here’s how you can help…
1If you have personal protective equipment, or materials that can be used to make it, please message CoronaFrontline. They will arrange for your items to be collected and distributed directly to key workers.
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Instagram: @drlamislatif / @coronavirusfrontline
- Twitter: @drlamislatif / @coronafrontline
2Share this video, and tag people or companies who might have equipment.
3Sign the petition by doctors and nurses with 6 demands for the government, and download The People’s Assembly’s window posters to show your support.