Growing disquiet is emerging amongst Britain’s political elite over Israel’s actions. We can change our government’s policy – but we need the largest ever UK demonstration for Gaza
Facebook event | Twitter hastag: #GazA9
- Get organised. Transport must be organised now from every corner of the country, bringing everyone to London who is outraged by Israel’s barbaric onslaught.
- Spread the word. Everyone must now mobilise wherever they are in Britain, spread the word as widely as they can – among family, friends, in their workplaces, colleges, community.
- No excuses. Over the past three weeks, London has held the biggest demonstrations for Gaza in the world, twice mobilising over 50,000 protesters. But on Saturday 9 August we need to fill the streets of London with a huge outcry at the carnage being perpetrated by Israel, with the support of David Cameron and his government.
- Reasons why. 25 days of the world’s fifth most powerful military force bombarding an area no bigger than the Isle of Wight has killed 1,600 Palestinians and injured 9000 more. No one and nothing is safe from Israel’s war crimes: 80% of the dead are civilians, over 300 of them children — women, the disabled, the elderly, the infirm, all slaughtered by Israel’s indiscriminate bombing with missiles and shells.
- More reasons why. Hospitals, schools, power stations, sewage works — Gaza’s infrastructure is being turned to rubble. Israel has declared more than half of Gaza a no-go area, effectively announcing it will make Gaza a free-fire zone, when it knows full well there is nowhere for its people to move that is safe, with the borders sealed by Israel and Egypt’s inhumane siege.
- Gaza needs you. On Saturday 9 August, there will be demonstrations in cities and towns across the world. We will be there to say Israel’s crimes against humanity must stop. And we will be there in our solidarity with the people of Gaza, who need to know they are not alone.
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