In an increasingly unstable world, we urgently need stronger socialist organisation
Trump is realigning the imperialist world order. The immediate reaction from the European leaders is to pledge to ramp up arms expenditure and Starmer, not to be outdone, has mooted the idea putting ‘boots on the ground’ as well.
Leaving aside the international implications it will also mean further austerity attacks and tax hikes on working-class people here to pay for it.
This means that it is critical to build resistance to these measures by making the link between military adventures abroad and public spending cuts at home.
Counterfire has long been a central part of the anti-war and anti-austerity movements. We urgently need to expand operations by holding more meetings, establishing more branches and hiring more staff.
That is why we are running an appeal for £25,000. We have already reached half way but we still have a way to go to reach our target.
If you haven’t already (or even if you have!) please make a contribution to help out.
Finally, if you agree that we need a fighting left that builds mass movements of resistance, then please consider joining us!