Protesters march to Trafalgar Square after inspiring rally in Hyde Park to continue the renewed fight against systemic racism, reports Harry Welch
Friday was another impressive display of solidarity with the US protest movement and against the institutional racism in the UK. The day started with a rally in Hyde Park, which was full of music and harmony as speakers passed on a message that it is right to be angry and it is time to change the system. With Pan-Africanists and representatives from Papua New Guinea highlighting how it is an international struggle, London was able to once again to come together to show that it is united against racism. Even with an intimidating police presence, which included them moving into the crowd during a speech, this was a success, if not as large as last weekend’s demonstrations.
This incredibly diverse, mainly young crowd was not to be disturbed. With a striking number of first-time protesters, the march to Parliament and Trafalgar Square began, with cars and locals supporting them on their way.
Even with incendiary, Trumpesque messages from the Prime Minister and far right groups a message of peace was overarching, with protesters encouraged to stare any racists in the eyes and walk by. Fortunately, the predicted fascist response was incredibly overstated, with a distinct lack of racist counter protesters, as London came together in a time where those in power are trying to sow division. This message of peace was clearly incredibly important for the BLM organisers, as although the mood within the capital is incredibly supportive of the movement racism is still deeply ingrained within the media.
The walk into parliament was peaceful with an amazing atmosphere. This mood was only lightened by the covering of Winston Churchill and many of the imperialists who litter the walk to Trafalgar Square.
The protest ended with powerful black protest songs in Trafalgar Square, with London once again showing its solidarity with and love of its black population.
London stands united.