Shabbir Lakha explains what we can expect from Biden’s foreign policy using a Marxist understanding of imperialism
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Striking teamsters battling police on the streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1934. Source: Wikicommons / Public domain / cropped from original
30 Sep 2022
Marxism and Class part two: Whatever happened to the western working class?
17 Jul 2019
Stop Boris: General Election Now – Counterfire Freesheet July 2019
15 May 2019
Dump Trump: Protest the State Visit, June 3/4/5 – Counterfire freesheet May 2019
Peace Party in Norman Road, Bow, 1919, organised by Sylvia Pankhurst’s friend Mrs Savoy to mark the Armistice and the end of the Great War.
24 Dec 2014
Sylvia Pankhurst’s Christmas parties for peace
Valencia, Venezuela: supporters of acting president Nicolás Maduro attend a campaign rally Juan Barreto/AFP/Getty Images
11 Nov 2014