As the strike wave heats up and the need for rank-and-file organising becomes clearer, help build the 10 June How We Fight, How We Win conference
Strikes are taking place across the country over the next few days alongside May Day demonstrations.
We are asking all our supporters to get down to the picket lines and protests to show solidarity.
We also ask you to promote the 10 June How We Fight, How We Win Rank-and-File Organising Conference.
At a time when the government is using legal action to stop the RCN striking for a second day next week and union leaderships are recommending below-inflation rises, strengthening rank-and-file organisation could hardly be more important.
The conference is a chance to bring together grassroots activists from across the working-class movement to discuss how to increase coordination, how to push for better deals, escalate action and to combat government attacks on our movement.
The conference is backed nationally by Strike Map, NHS Workers Say No, Tunnel Vision, Day-Mer, ADCU, Keep Left, Counterfire, NHS Staff Voices and the People’s Assembly.
Latest groups to back it include the Peace and Justice Project, Southampton Trades Council, Goldsmiths UCU and ASLEF Hammersmith and City, Jubilee East and Central Line West branches. You can see the full list of sponsors here.
5 things to do to build the conference:
- Book now for the conference and ask local leading activists to do the same
- Pass the resolution supporting the conference in your branch
- Approach your local trades council and others union branches to back the conference
- Push for delegations to the conference from striking workplaces and local branches
- Get down to your nearest NEU (27 April, 2 May), PCS (28 April) and RCN (30 April – 1 May) picket lines and rallies and May Day rallies and give out leaflets for the conference. If you need leaflets, please contact us at [email protected], and you can download a sign up sheet here
Fund the fightback
We urgently need stronger socialist organisation to push for the widest possible resistance and put the case for change. Please donate generously to this year’s Counterfire appeal and help us meet our £25,000 target as fast as possible.