The left is in a position where it can actually win. It is essential we come together to discuss how to fight for a better world
This is the most dramatic political situation in decades
Ignore the media. Labour’s successes in the elections show that Corbyn’s radical politics – ‘taking sides’ in his words – can be popular amongst an electorate sick of a country run by a tax dodging, asset stripping, millionaire clique.
The left can win
The government is weak. It is backtracking in the face of growing opposition on academies, junior doctors and austerity, as well as being split down the middle over Europe. We need to discuss how to take advantage, but also imagine radical ways of shaping the future.
The better Corbyn does, the more the right resists
It is not that Labour’s right fear Corbyn is unelectable, they just don’t like his politics. Their constant caballing is encouraged by a media that is not just biased but blatantly set on destroying the Corbyn project. We need to dissect the forces of the establishment and discuss how to challenge them.
We need to go onto the offensive
We mustn’t just watch events unfold. We can’t wait for 2020. Strategy matters and we need to develop a radical plan for the left and the movement. That means identifying how to ramp up resistance to the government but also finding ways to deal with the Blairites once and for all.
Lastly… You will have fun
Dangerous Times Festival will bring together hundreds of activists, campaigners, trades unionists and students to analyse, discuss and celebrate these momentous developments.
- Clive Lewis MP joins Greg Philo and Des Freedman to debate Who controls the media and how can we get it back?
- Tariq Ali will discuss Why we need a left exit from fortress Europe.
- Kate Hudson, Chris Nineham and others speculate about A very British Coup: Corbyn, the Blairites and the state.
- Natalie Bennett and Elaine Graham Leigh debate Catastrophe capitalism: How can we avert climate chaos?
- Nick Davidson joins Marcello Mora Y Araujo and Mark Peryman to consider England, World Cup ’66 to Euro 2016. Nationalism and internationalism. The Big Match?
- Danny Dorling, James Meadway and Lindsey German explore The best of towns, the worst of towns London in the age of big finance.
- Lola Okolosie joins Kate Connelly, Feyzi Ismail and Clare Solomon in a panel on How oppression divides: Women’s liberation, race and class.
- And there is much, much more including cutting edge spoken word, pop up theatre, djs and an exclusive new musical project.
Make sure you book now using the form below, and get your friends along as well.
28 May, Rich Mix, London, E1 6LA