A resolution on funding the activities of Counterfire passed at Counterfire National Conference 2015.
Submitted by the Steering Committee
Conference notes:
- The dramatic increases in membership seen by parties like the Green Party and the SNP, achieved in part by lowering financial and other barriers to signing up.
- A growing interest in revolutionary ideas resulting in increased hits on our website, attendance at meetings and a wider pool of potential members for Counterfire.
- The experience of those recruiting to the organisation that a number of people find the current formulation of the membership rate (a day’s or half a day’s pay per month) off-putting and a barrier to joining.
- The increasing frequency of donations received through the site from non-members, suggesting that we have a widening periphery of people who are sympathetic to us, prepared to support us but not (yet) prepared to consider joining.
Conference believes:
- That a simpler and more transparent membership rate would help a drive to increase our membership and bring a wider range of people into the organisation.
- That a supporters’/subscribers’ rate would enable us to build a relationship with those who are sympathetic but not at the point where they wish to join us, and would help fund our activity.
Conference resolves:
- To implement a membership rate with four levels: Unwaged (£5 pcm), Low waged (£15 pcm), Waged (£25 pcm) and Higher waged/Other (agreed individually).
- To enable supporters/subscribers to opt to make regular monthly payments.
- To continue to encourage new and existing members to move from the standard to an individually-agreed rate if their finances permit.
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