Counterfire’s statement on Facebook shutting down the Socialist Workers Party page
On Friday Facebook took down the pages of the Socialist Workers Party and several of its local groups and the accounts of several leading activists. No reasons for this action were provided.
It can only be assumed that this is an act of political censorship which must be reversed immediately. There should be no tolerance for attacks on free speech of this kind.
There has been a concerted effort among right-wing activists to report without cause the accounts of left wing political groups and individuals on Facebook and Twitter who have posted about Palestine or in support of Jeremy Corbyn recently.
Whether or not this censorship of a British left wing organisation is part of that is yet unknown. What is clear however is that the unaccountable power of executives and administrators of social media companies and the manner in which they determine what is and isn’t acceptable public discourse must be opposed.
Facebook must reinstate the Socialist Workers Party pages and activists’ accounts immediately.