Owen Jones, Cat Boyd and Adrian Cousins speaking at the session on ‘The working class ain’t what it used to be‘ at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas

Owen Jones

Owen Jones was born in Sheffield and grew up in Stockport. After graduating, he worked as a trade union researcher and for left-wing Labour MPs such as John McDonnell. His first book, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class, was published in June 2011, and he now writes for a range of newspapers. He lives in London. Owen’s Verso page

Cat Boyd

Cat Boyd is a young trade union activist in Glasgow and Chair of the highly successful Glasgow Coalition of Resistance. She is a well known speaker on anti cuts and trade union platforms and has built trade union youth networks across the city.

Adrian Cousins

Adrian Cousins is founder and editor of the Counterfire website. He has been an active socialist for over twenty five years and has worked on websites for Stop the War, the Coalition of Resistance and the Festival of Dangerous Ideas as well as producing video, graphics and illustration.

Videos by Silvana De Faria

Owen Jones

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