A letter to our readers from Counterfire’s editor, Katherine Connelly
To our readers,
The situation is changing dramatically day by day. The cruelty and ineptitude of the government’s response is being sharply revealed. Meanwhile, the cleaners striking at Lewisham hospital, the post office workers striking in South West London, the Glasgow refuse workers’ sit-in, and the parents refusing to send their children to school are fighting for a better way of organising things and are defying the complacency at the top of society.
At Counterfire, we aim to provide a socialist analysis that empowers people to act in and change the present. In light of the seriousness of current events, we are going to be stepping up our coverage. In addition to the articles we publish daily, we’ll be responding directly to the government. So, for each daily government briefing, we’ll be providing a CounterBriefing on our website.
Because we aren’t able to physically meet up at the moment, we’ll be moving our meetings online. We’ll be posting talks and writings on socialist theory, book and film reviews, introductions to key Marxist texts and ideas, and sessions on the lessons from history: from how people won shelters from a callous government in WW2 to the Engels200 series on the life and writings of a great revolutionary on his 200th anniversary, and much, much more.
If you have reports from your community, or workplace or school, we want to hear from you. Please send your reports to [email protected].
Yours in solidarity,
Katherine Connelly
Commissioning editor, Counterfire