Activists who participated in a solidarity demonstration with Christian Copts could face 2-year prison sentences. They have sent out this appeal for solidarity.
On 13 May, the Court of Appeal in Egypt will consider the 2 years imprisonment sentence against the 4 socialist militants and co-founder members in The Socialist Popular Alliance Party (SPAP), Mohamed Atef (@Atef_IS), Mostafa Mohie Al-Din (@Mohie84), Mostafa Shawky (@shawkyalgenawy), Mohamed Nagy (@muhamadnagy), along with 4 other young men for participating in a demonstration in solidarity with the Christian Egyptian Copts against the terror attack on the Church of the Two Saints in Alexandria, which left more than 26 Copts dead. They took part on New Year’s Eve 2011.
On 3 Jan 2011, the 8 activists were arrested by Mubarak’s Police who made up void riot offences with illogical allegations such us beating dozen of soldiers, destroying 11 armored vehicles, 20 microbuses, smashing the sidewalk and lampposts!
Judge of the Misdemeanor Court decided to set them free but the case were still running. Although these offences were before Jan 25 revolution and the 8 activists were a subject to imprisonment at anytime as the case were ongoing, they did not hesitate to participate in the great Jan 25 revolution against the repression and the dictatorship of Mubarak’s toppled regime.
After the revolution everybody have expected that the case is over as the revolution put the end of Mubarak’s Police repression against the peaceful right to protest, but the surprise was great when we found the case still ongoing, then the surprise tuned into a shock when the 8 young men of the revolution were sentenced 2 years imprisonment and 100 L.E bail.
It became clear that Youth of Jan 25 are subject to collective punishment for their revolution and for demanding Change, Freedom and Social Justice. Remnants of Mubarak’s toppled regime still on power and started the open war against the revolution and its makers by the ongoing repression against pretests, strikes and social justice demands; using all kinds of the brutal resistance such as killing, kidnapping, military trials and finally the legal sentences.
Youth of the revolution in Egypt are calling all freedom fighters all over the world – militants, human rights activists, trade unions, pro-freedom parliamentarians and solidarity movements – to side their struggle to complete the revolution, assure the freedoms and fight all kinds of discrimination.
Hence we call on all freedom fighters everywhere to make the 5 May a day of action to support the youth of Jan 25 revolution:
Mostafa Mohie Al-Din
Mohamed Atef
Mostafa Shawky
Mohamed Nagy and their other 4 comrades against the sentence of imprisonment they are facing by:
- Official Statements by the different Human Rights Organizations, Solidarity Movements, trade unions, civil state supporters. etc. to be submitted to the Egyptian government via the Egyptian embassies everywhere.
- Demonstrations and protests in front of the Egyptian embassies everywhere.
- Columnists could write about it in the newspapers.
- Tweeting on #Masara for solidarity with @Atef_IS, @Mohie84, @shawkyalgenawy, @muhamadnagy and their comrades.
We are really keen for your solidarity on 5 May to make it a day of action to rescue 8 revolutionaries from jail, support them to continue their struggle against the dictatorship and the religious discrimination. Hopefully we can make it a strong optimistic introduction for a massive solidarity and help for the Egyptian revolution and its youth. Long Live the Revolution. Long Live Occupy Everywhere.