Unite activist Richard Allday talks to Elly Badcock about building for the TUC anti-austerity protest on October 20

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Coalition of Resistance call for support for the TUC march on 20 October and the European Anti-Austerity Conference on 21 October

On Saturday October 20th the British Trades Union Congress is holding a march against austerity ‘For a future that works’. Hundreds of thousands of people will take to the streets of London to oppose the cuts being forced upon them. The Coalition of Resistance will be at the heart of this demonstration with its message of ‘No Cuts’. The participation of delegations from across Europe will hugely strengthen the significance of what will be a massive mobilisation.

In 2011 our organisation initiated the Europe Against Austerity conference which issued a call for joint action against austerity throughout Europe. More than 600 people attended the conference in October 2011, with 150 coming from other parts of Europe.

Since that conference we have seen big struggles in Greece where there have been many days of general strike action and in Spain where the Asturian miners have inspired the support of millions throughout Europe. The nature of the onslaught on the peoples of Europe means that such actions will continue and escalate. Further solidarity work and coordination is now urgently needed.

We appeal for anti-austerity organisations throughout Europe to come to London on 20th and 21st October to participate both in the London demonstration and to meet the following day to discuss common action to turn back the tide of austerity. We must build co-ordinated action to enable victories against a common enemy.

There will be an open preparatory meeting in early September to prepare for the October 21st conference and all those who wish to be involved are welcome, whether or not they attended last year’s event. The date and venue will be notified shortly. Please contact us if you plan to attend.

We urge organisations and organisations from across Europe to come to London in October – to show that the strength of the working class movement is in its unity and solidarity.

Let’s make October 20/21st the next step in our common struggle against austerity.

Andrew Burgin

Secretary, Coalition of Resistance

[email protected]

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