As part of a Europe-wide day of union action against the regressive, anti-worker austerity measures increasingly adopted by many countries, 50 unions from 30 countries will demonstrate in Brussels on September 29. In addition to the general strike in Spain, union demonstrations are also planned in Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Serbia, Romania, Poland ,Ireland and France.
The IUF European regional organization (EFFAT) will be participating with the slogan “Social justice from farm to fork – Fight precarious work”.
Full details are available on the website of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
For more information click here
General Strike in Spain – IUF affiliates explain what is at stake
‘Present and future generations are being condemned to precarious work and unemployment’ – Paco Dominguez, General Secretary of the Federaci√≥n de Comercio, Hosteler√≠a-Turismo y Juego-UGT (CHTJ-UGT)
‘The greatest attack on the right to work in the last 30 years’ – Javier Gonz√°lez Martino, General Secretary of the Commerce, Hotel and Tourism Union of the Comisiones Obreras (FECOHT-CC.OO).
Job Destruction Boosts Executive Pay
When it comes to job destruction, it pays to beat the benchmark. The most recent survey of US executive compensation shows that CEO’s who excelled at slashing jobs earned a special premium. According to the latest in the annual CEO pay surveys published by the US Institute for Policy Studies, “CEO’s at the 50 major firms that have laid off the most workers since the onset of the economic crisis took home nearly $12 million each on average in 2009, 42 percent more than the average compensation that went to S&P 500 CEOs”.
Ron Oswald
General Secretary, IUF