To all the peoples of the world… To the hundreds of thousands who demonstrated against capitalist globalization and neo-liberalism… To the millions who came out against war and imperialism… To the world’s workers and toilers… To the free writers, intellectuals and artists of the world… To all the people with free conscience…
We call upon you to act in all possible ways to salvage the leading forces of the Egyptian revolution in Al-Tahrir Square in Cairo… A massacre is being prepared now… Thousands of thugs and under-cover policemen are being mobilized under the supervision of the butcher Mubarak and the leading figures of his regime.
They are now attacking the demonstrators… They are now throwing Molotov cocktails and tear gas bombs against the peaceful demonstrators… There are now 500 injured people… And there is confirmed information that the thugs will attack the square en masse late at night after turning of the lights in the area. They intend to perpetrate a massive massacre…
We call upon all the honest people to act in all ways… Demonstrate at once… Spread the news of the massacre in all the corners of the world… Press your MPs and politicians and all the free civil society organizations to take decisive positions… long live the Egyptian revolution… Long live the international solidarity.
Please return messages to John Rees, Vice President (Europe), The Cairo Conference: [email protected]