Stand Up To Racism rally was staged to oppose the gathering of a large number of far right demonstrators in London, from July 2018. Stand Up To Racism rally was staged to oppose the gathering of a large number of far right demonstrators in London, from July 2018. Source:

We need a large counterprotest against Tommy Robinson’s fascist mobilisation on Saturday, and the Palestine movement is key to this, argues Chris Nineham

Tommy Robinson has called a demonstration in London this Saturday, the first far-right mobilisation since the racist riots over the summer and a real hate march. He is hoping to come back ‘bigger and better’ than the 20,000 strong gathering he organised in Trafalgar Square on 27 July. That rally gave a boost to racists everywhere and no doubt helped give their fascist hard core the confidence to mount the horrific attacks on refugee centres and mosques that followed. 

Much of the left and the Labour movement has come together to back Stand up to Racism’s demonstration which is assembling at Piccadilly Circus on Saturday at 11.30 to march to Whitehall for a counterprotest. It is crucial that this demonstration is as large as humanly possible. A big counterprotest can demoralise the fascist fanatics at the heart of Robinson’s movement and dissuade wider layers from getting involved.

The conditions for the strengthening of the far right are there. The whole of the political establishment and the bulk of the media are hysterical about the ‘threats’ from migrants and the small boats that bring them over. The Tory Party is shifting ever rightward, partly in response to the polling for Farage’s Reform Party, currently hovering around 19%.

All this against the background of a newly elected Labour government that is daily disappointing anyone who was looking to them for significant improvements for working people.

That is why coming out on Saturday is so important. The magnificent popular response to the far-right riots – when tens of thousands came out to confront an attempted second wave of mayhem – showed what is possible. Polling showed very little sympathy with the violence of the rioters. The far right can be isolated and driven off our streets.

This task would be made easier if the Palestine movement joined the protests en masse. Hundreds of thousands have demonstrated for Palestine time after time over the last year, and the movement is a key target of Robinson and his thugs. If the Palestine movement comes out in full force, it would help humiliate the right. 

To help make this happen, common cause should be made between the two movements, including raising the issue of Robinson in the Palestine movement and persuading the anti-racist movement to take a clear pro-Palestine stance. To help this happen, a Palestine bloc, called by some of the pro-Palestine groups, will be on Saturday’s demonstration.

In the meantime, spread the word far and wide, let’s stop Tommy before he gets started.

Before you go

The ongoing genocide in Gaza, Starmer’s austerity and the danger of a resurgent far right demonstrate the urgent need for socialist organisation and ideas. Counterfire has been central to the Palestine revolt and we are committed to building mass, united movements of resistance. Become a member today and join the fightback.

Chris Nineham

Chris Nineham is a founder member of Stop the War and Counterfire, speaking regularly around the country on behalf of both. He is author of The People Versus Tony Blair and Capitalism and Class Consciousness: the ideas of Georg Lukacs.

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