Bolton Unison members out for the #CeasefireWDOA Bolton Unison members out for the #CeasefireWDOA. Source: Stop The War

Unions backed the workplace day of action for ‘Ceasefire Now – Stop Arming Israel’ bringing thousands of workers across the country out in solidarity with Palestinian and Lebanese people

This article was originally published by Stop the War.

October’s Ceasefire Now – Stop Arming Israel Day of Action saw a widespread return to workplace activity in solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Thousands of workers in hospitals, schools, universities, libraries, town halls and elsewhere came together to demand an end to Israel’s genocide.

From Plymouth to Glasgow via Tower Hamlets and York people took time out of their day to signal to the government how deeply unpopular its inaction over Israel’s escalating drive to war continues to be. Polls show the British public broadly supports ending arms sales to Israel and we need to escalate pressure from our places of work to reflect this fact.

The backing of Unison and UCU has meant more workers involved than ever before. But the fact is we need more activity. The horrific daily massacres currently occurring in Gaza and Lebanon necessitate that the trade union movement do all it can to call on the Labour government to stop arming Israel. We call on all the unions to back our Days of Action for Palestine and encourage their members to get active on this issue.

You can see below some of the hundreds of actions from the 10 October Day of Action:

Big turn-out at King’s College, London:

UNISON members in Tower Hamlets taking action:

Staff and students at Kingsway College call for a ceasefire:

Lots of #CeasefireNow activity in Manchester:

A good turnout in Portsmouth:

UNISON shows its solidarity with Palestine:

You can find more examples following the #CeasefireWDOA hashtag.

Before you go

The ongoing genocide in Gaza, Starmer’s austerity and the danger of a resurgent far right demonstrate the urgent need for socialist organisation and ideas. Counterfire has been central to the Palestine revolt and we are committed to building mass, united movements of resistance. Become a member today and join the fightback.

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