Defend the right to strike rally Defend the right to strike rally. Photo: Shabbir Lakha

Counterfire presents a model resolution for members to take to their trade-union branches to help relaunch the anti-austerity movement

This Branch / District notes:

  • That the policy of austerity has failed to bring prosperity to the UK; has increased the gap between rich and poor; and has been used to limit the role of trade unions in the face of privatisation and pay cuts.
  • That austerity has dramatically increased the number of households living in poverty and using foodbanks.
  • That austerity has increased the number of billionaires in the UK with billionaire wealth increasing by almost £150 billion between 2020 and 2022 alone.
  • That while austerity has hit working-class living standards, military spending by the British government has only continued to increase with the Ministry of Defence spending topping £25 billion pounds for the first time in the last financial year. Labour is continuing to spend huge sums on arms.
  • Labour has refused to lift the two-child benefit cap and has taken away the winter fuel payments from pensioners. This is Austerity. Labour is not proposing any policies to tax the rich.

This Branch / District believes:

  • That austerity is a political choice and that the alleged ‘black hole’ in public finances is nothing more than a manufactured reason to justify cruel cuts such as keeping the two-child benefit cap and the removal of pensioners’ winter fuel payments.
  • Attempts to divide workers and pensioners should be resisted.
  • That Labour’s penchant for ‘tough decisions’ and ‘fiscal responsibility’ reveal their intention to make working-class people suffer while giving free rein to profiteers, increasing the power of capital over labour. 
  • Austerity has to be resisted by mass campaigns in the labour movement and beyond.
  • That it is the role of trade unions to fight against austerity and to expose the bogus reasons for it. 
  • That austerity will render any benefits from Labour’s New Deal for Working People all but worthless.

This Branch / District resolves:

  • To support any union or campaign, both locally and nationally, that is taking action against the effects of austerity.
  • To begin an immediate political campaign against the implementation of austerity measures by the Government and to demand investment in our public services.
  • To campaign for economic policies that will improve the lives of working people and seek to establish economic and social justice, e.g. the redistribution of wealth through progressive taxation.
  • To withdraw our support for any Labour MPs that vote for austerity.
  • To affiliate to the People’s Assembly Against Austerity both locally and nationally.