As the crisis in universities continues to escalate, these are the key demands students are making of their institutions
As the pandemic enters its inevitable second wave, universities across the country have gone ahead with bringing students back to halls and into face to face teaching, despite warnings from health care professionals and against the better judgement of the UCU.
This has been a poorly-concealed attempt to justify the extortionate cost of a year’s study, and to appease the landlords who want to make a fortune on the private rents.
Students are being trapped in isolation in their vastly overpriced accommodation, unable to buy food and struggling to access mental health support. This is unacceptable. The university heads of staff and the government had all summer to plan how best to send students back to University, and were advised of the risks this may bring by the UCU, NUS, Independent SAGE, and the government’s own advisors.
We feel let down, both by the government and university managements.
We have three demands to make of managements to protect our dedicated lecturers and the whole of the student body, and to stop the spread of the virus more generally.
1 No more in person teaching – protect our lecturers and students
2 Students should be allowed to return home – no-one should be trapped in halls
3 An immediate rent holiday – we should not be paying to be locked down.