Chris Nineham argues why it is important that the movements go on to the offensive against Donald Trump in the next few days
You can feel it – coaches from Aberystwyth in the West and Downham market in the East, scores of different blocs self organising for the demo, the buzz around the brilliant Trump baby balloon, protests being prepared in places like the Isle of Tiree in the Inner Hebrides (pop 650), the sheer numbers on facebook – the anti-Trump protests are going to be a genuine popular upsurge.
This is a reminder of what was confirmed in the general election last year; the majority of working people in this country have progressive politics. A glance at the opinion polls around Trump show something else: these millions of left-wing working people can play a leading role in society. Between 7 and 8 out of 10 people in Britain think Donald Trump has made a poor or terrible President, and only 1 in 10 think he has been good or excellent. The harder right-wing minority is relatively small. Next week’s protests are a chance for us to take steps towards turning this balance of opinion into something more organised. This is important for the future.
The growing mobilisation is also a reminder of a couple of other fairly elementary things. One – unity matters. The fact that the main groups organising against Trump have joined forces under the banner of Together Against Trump has been so important. It has raised people’s level of confidence and clarity and simplified so many organisational tasks (not to say avoided the left looking a little ridiculous). There will of course be 101 different highly creative protests during the Days of Trump but the fact that there will also be one national moment of coming together is a huge boost for our side and a big blow against POTUS, his friends in government here and the far right that is trying to get organised.
The decision to get out on the streets to confront him during the day on Friday when he is meeting the PM and the Queen was important too even though it is a weekday. It has forced him to retreat out of the capital and into the countryside for his meetings – already a great victory. It means there will be at least some news of the protests as the media reports his love-in with May and the Queen and it has inspired loads of people to take the day off and get down to London. Moral: Its good to go on to the offensive when you can!
As you probably know by now it all starts Thursday evening at Regent’s Park and Blenheim, goes on to Chequers and then the demo at 2pm in London on Friday, and then to Scotland. And make sure to protest against the far right in Whitehall on Saturday 14. Keep spreading the word. Let’s make this week a week Trump never forgets and one we don’t either.