Theresa May’s support for Trump is a faultline we must fully exploit, argues Jonathan Maunders
As Trump’s visit to the UK comes ever closer it is imperative that our stand against his presidency and the special relationship grows, leaving no one in any doubt that he’s not welcome here.
As each month passes Trump’s actions become all the more disastrous, emboldened by Theresa May’s support. The special relationship has long been a cover for an aggressive foreign policy strategy, but with Trump at the helm this has taken on a new meaning.
In May alone, Trump ditched the Iran nuclear deal and moved his county’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, sparking outrage across the globe. While the UK government has publicly expressed quiet trepidation about these developments, it is clear Theresa May is not prepared to sever the special relationship and untie herself from project Trump.
Despite Boris Johnson racing to Iran in an attempt to rescue the nuclear deal, Trump announced that the US was pulling out and would be imposing sanctions on Iran. This is yet another example of Trump’s reactionary administration. After looking isolated in Washington, Trump has been increasingly influenced by establishment neocons to ensure their support. In turn, Trump has escalated tensions with Iran and made military conflict in the area a probable prospect. Recent US-led airstrikes in Syria could well be a dress-rehearsal for full confrontation with Iran.
While the UK government has pledged it will continue to honour the nuclear deal, it is clear that without US support it is unlikely that the deal will have any merit.
Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu was applauding Trump at every turn following the US exit from the deal and it is clear that their relationship is a massive threat to world peace.
May also saw the US embassy in Israel move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a key Trump election pledge. The ceremony surrounding the move sparked the massacre of many unarmed Palestinian civilians. The US responded to this slaughter by blaming Hamas entirely, vetoing any UN investigation into the matter. It is clear that with Trump in Washington, Palestinians are in as much danger as they have ever been and independence never more distant.
Even the much lauded attempt at negotiations with North Korea have failed, with US officials angering North Korea by likening a potential settlement to the regime change operation seen in Libya.
It is clear that with Trump in the White House, US foreign policy is at its aggressive worst. Indeed, his actions suggest that this is the most dangerous period for world peace since the world wars. All the while, Theresa May seems intent on following Trump down this path.
It is vital that we rally behind the anti-war movement as it stands against Trump’s foreign policy and says no to the special relationship. When Trump visits in July, it is vital that activists are organised up and down the country and that the streets are full in a way unseen since the Iraq demonstrations of 2003.
Trump will be coming to London on 13 July, for more details on the demonstrations, visit Together Against Trump on Facebook.