Norwich based radical film making team ‘Hollywood Hegemony‘ has launched a fundraising appeal explains Jack Brindelli
Established in 2012, ‘Hollywood Hegemony’ is a Norwich-based team of writers and film makers dedicated to “Reading between the frames to give you the bigger picture.”
Ideology is everywhere, it permeates every institution and aspect of our lives – often going unnoticed, or perceived as ‘common sense’. By ‘reading between the frames’, we mean exposing and examining those ideological preconceptions and norms the film industry reproduce as ‘normality’, and consider how that effects the content that millions of people know and love – the movies themselves.
In order to expose that capitalist hegemony, we have written regular analysis and reviews, and made a series of films including ‘The True Little Tramp‘ (celebrating the centenary of Charlie Chaplin’s famous character, and examining it against the backdrop of the first world war) and ‘Witches and Bitches‘ (exploring the relationship of class and gender in modern horror, featuring a cameo from Lindsey German).
In 2015 we are looking to improve and expand the project – however we cannot do that without your help. Please support us by contributing yourself (and becoming eligible for a range of marvellous perks) or sharing our campaign more widely.