Assemble 12 noon at the Israeli embassy for march to parliament
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Demonstration called by: Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Friends of Al Aqsa, British Muslim Initiative, Muslim Association of Britain, Palestinian Forum in Britain
Last Saturday, cities and towns across the world demonstrated against Israel’s barbaric attack on Gaza. The biggest was in London, where up to 100,000 marched.
Since then Israel has killed more than 100 people, bringing the total to over 540. Most of those killed have been civilians, a fifth of them children. Over 3300 have been injured. Tens of thousands have either been bombed out of their homes or fled in terror from Israeli attack. Israel is using horrific new weapons, like Fletchette bombs, and there is evidence it has deployed chemical weapons, including white phosphorous.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said — following the killing of 18 invading Israeli soldiers — that much worse is to come.
Everyone outraged by Israel’s atrocities and crimes against humanity should be at the national demonstration in London on Saturday 26 July.
We will assemble at the Israeli Embassy and march to Parliament. We will be calling for Israel’s bombing and killing to stop now and for David Cameron to stop supporting Israeli war crimes.
Be there. Spread the word to your family, friends, in your workplace, college and community.