Campaigners from across London converge on Health minister’s constituency
Campaigners from London travelled to Farnham in Surrey on Saturday to protest in Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s home constituency. Over 160 people assembled from all the campaigns currently fighting across London, from Lewisham to Hammersmith to Ealing to Epsom. There was a very good response from the residents of Farnham on the streets and door to door. People from Surrey also joined the action on the day and marched to the local Tory club.
Opportunist hypocrite
Jeremy Hunt was one of the Tories who joined protests prior to the election in 2010 to defend hospitals. On the Conservative Party website he gives his proudest political achievement as “working with local campaigners to save the Royal Surrey County Hospital’s A&E department from closure”.
In his own constituency one hospital, Haslemere Community Hospital, which treats minor injuries has had its inpatient services handed over to Richard Branson’s Virgin to run. If Hunt has his way this will be the future of the NHS. There is a growing campaign to stop him. The People’s Assembly was well received with many saying they were coming on Saturday.