#StickItToTheTories is a Britain-wide sticker distribution campaign supported by the People’s Assembly
West Wales People’s Assemblies have come up with a fantastic sticker campaign they are calling ‘#StickItToTheTories’. They have created a ‘not for profit’ online, production and distribution centre for all political stickers of the left. Born out of the People’s Assembly movement the National People’s Assembly Office have been working closely with them on sticker designs and the activists behind #StickItToTheTories say that they can work with you to create stickers specifically for your own campaigns. They are going to list a wide range of other stickers covering anything from Trident to Fracking, Racism to NHS, Bedroom tax to TTIP and much more. Campaigners and activists from all different campaigns can access the stickers they want from the site www.stickittothetories.org.uk.
The idea behind this campaign is simple, they hope that #StickItToTheTories will capture the imaginations of the British People and that everyone will get involved in Sticking it to the Tories.
Jim Scott, of #StickItToTheTories says this about the campaign:
Friends, now is the moment, now is the time that we have to be out there on the streets growing the movement against the ideological assault which the Tories have unleashed upon us and everything that we hold dear. Under the savage welfare reforms many brothers and sisters have already lost their lives to this vicious and unrelenting Tory Class war. With millions using foodbanks and forced to work for low-pay, no-pay or zero-hours contracts many cannot even take up this fight for themselves. That is why we MUST fight for them.
Caroline Lucas, Jeremy Corbyn, and other progressives are making great gains from within Parliament; Corbyn has a huge movement behind him and is already starting to destabilise the entrenched neoliberal status-quo within Westminster and the British media. The Greens are fighting this battle on all fronts, but we could do more. People’s Assembly group are in place across the UK and now is the time that we can seep our message into every layer of our society. We must get our message out there onto the streets so that every UK citizen can see that a movement is rising, people are organising -and we will not be beaten down no matter how many dystopian laws they bring in to try and silence our dissent.
We must embed our movement into the psyches of the British people and make sure that our message is everywhere, plain for all to see. We must ensure that every person in the UK knows there is a battle being fought, that we don’t accept their flawed ideological austerity agenda or fracking under our homes to make profits for Tory donors: that we are not going to stand by while they decimate each and every public service, while spending billions on Trident and sending bombs to murder innocent civilians in the Middle-East and elsewhere. We have got to get this message out there, we have got to do it now, they will not stop until they are stopped and it is us who must stop them! This campaign is a vehicle for doing just that.
Everyone likes stickers, especially students and young people, and it is students & young people who the Tories are really screwing right now. Those young people might not have time to get actively involved in politics or join a local People’s Assembly group but they will find time to enjoy involvement in a little ‘extra-Parliamentary activity’, if we make it easy for them.
This Campaign is simple, all we need do is spread the message that we are all uniting to collectively and literally #StickItToTheTories. Whether a human rights campaign or anti-fascism/anti-racism, a campaign to save our NHS or the closure of a local community centre, we can ALL #StickItToTheTories! Here is a central outlet where you can source any sticker you want. If the ‘Stick It’ website doesn’t have your sticker then you can get involved in creating it or simply request it and soon it will be available for everyone to use.
The Hash-tag is deliberate and will be on all our stickers, so that anywhere you see a sticker bearing #StickItToTheTories hash-tag, you can catch it on camera, tweet it or post it on social media. People can even add a geo-tag when posting photos so that others can see where they spotted the sticker. This will all help us grow the campaign and make sure that it permeates yet another layer of our everyday world.”
Contact info, links and further activism:
Visit our website: www.stickittothetories.org.uk
Contact: [email protected] or even better, visit the sticker design Facebook page and get involved with creating new designs that your group / or indeed all of us can then use.
Jim Scott has done this great interview with Mark McGowan (The Artist Taxi Driver) to promote the launch so please share that widely too and let people know you are supporting this campaign.
Please put this campaign on the agenda for your next meeting and support this. A campaign like this has the potential to be big, so let’s make it HUGE.
You can also help by tweeting and sharing (@StickaTory) with the hash-tag #StickItToTheTories whenever you see these stickers out and about, and of course by getting out there yourselves and Sticking it to the Tories personally.